Paintings by Rita Kohel, Marlet Heckhoff and Eleonora Gianfermi in the gallery of Frappant e.V.
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„The odd sensation of shape and colour remind you something familiar but seem yet utterly unknown maybe you had a dream and while ago.“
„Which structures emerge when provisional arrangement become constant?
When one experiences temporary solutions not anymore as what they are in consequence of permanent exploitation?
Where is the contrast to intentional designed architecture? And where one can detect beauty?“
„When the know language cannot express the unknown world then a picture start to talk the unknown language.“
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Frappant e. V. / Zeiseweg 9 / Viktoria-Kaserne / 22765 Hamburg
14. Juli 2017 18–24h
Opening hours:
15.07, 16.07, 22.07. and 23.07 14–19h
Eleonora Gianfermi/ eleblue_g@ hotmail. it