Wheel of Fortune
Malerei und Skulptur | Eigil Bakdal, Mille Qvist, Tristan Kold
Eröffnung am Freitag, 27.1.2023, 19:00 Uhr
ab 23 Uhr Party im Kachelraum
Ausstellung 28.1. – 4.2.2023
geöffnet jeweils Fr - So, 14 - 19 Uhr
Who are the real losers and the real winners? It may seem like a universal truth that some are luckier than others, but how is it actually assessed? With this question in mind the exhibition seeks out to create a visual abstraction of losing and winning and the sometimes opaque structures surrounding it. Through out the Frappant Gallery’s three connected rooms, there will be placed fragmented elements of what could be perceived as gameshow interior alongside several paintings investigating The economical hierarchies of western painting tradition and the mundane picturesqueness of the gambling world.
Mehr auf Insta: @eigil.bj @tristankold @milleqvist